This site is still under construction and will be forever, because every day there is something new in the blogger world. I will keep on adding new posts on "How to" and Tips. Use the Blog Archives. If you getting started, go to the oldest date, meaning the first date under the heading "BLOG ARCHIVE" and start from there, otherwise look under the different date archives for what you need help with and click on the link. Everything will be explained in detail with links and How to's on one Blog, no more researching how to get tips and tricks added to your blog.All replies on posts will be emailed to me and not automatically posted. I created this blog, because I wish I had a blog like this to help me start and save me months and months of researching on how to get the tips and tricks from other blogs on to my blog. (from getting your blog Views, SEO, Advertising and many more) I will create a Test Blog and go through the set-up step by step, with easy to follow instructions.I WILL GIVE YOU MY FINDINGS ON BLOG BUILDING, IN A PLAIN AND SIMPLE STEP BY STEP WAY, WITH LINKS AND EVERYTHING, FOR FREE.Clicking my advertisers, at no cost to you will help me lots and there is also a "Pay pal Donate" button where you can donate any amount, which will help my charities. Even $1 is welcome and you don't need a Pay pal account. No, you don't need to donate anything, this Blog is free for you, but I will appreciate it. Lastly,click one of the subscribe blocks at the bottom of this Blog, to get free post updates to your email via Feed Burner. Please share with your friends.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Amazon Ads

Amazon Adverts on your blog.

I will now explain how to get a HTML Advert link on to your Blog, that uses Java script. Example by Amazon.
  • Click your "design" tab in top right on the main menu bar for your blog.
  • next Click "layout" tab
  • then go to the add gadget on the left or right of your Posting block and click
  • In the pop up under basic, scroll down to where you see two blue arrows and the words HTML/JAVA and click this picture.
  • Next copy the following Code and paste in the bottom big block. leave the title empty. Try this now.( you can always remove it later.) Reminder, move your widgets around so blog looks balanced. Latest Deep specials from Amazon HTML code below. Highlight, Copy and Paste and save arrangement when finished,like explained.

Tips and Tricks. Growsocials. How to get a lot of subscribers

How to get a lot of subscribers for free, Growsocials.

The next step to get your blog viewed is to sign up with Growsocials.
Here below is a You tube video that you can view or go straight to the link that says Growsocials link at bottom of this post.This site is a must have and you wont believe the results you get. When finished sigh up, come back, I will explain what common mistakes users make on Growsocials in my next Post, or just reply to this post what you like to know. ( any trouble, let me help you)
Remember guys this is a free site, but donations is very much appreciated. 

Video link

Growsocials link, click here to sign up. 


HOW TO BUILD AND ENHANCE YOUR BLOG FOR FREE.: Why I support Charity: I recently saw some shocking video's of what poverty is  Really  about. I will post some in this page,but not on the my main page, as to...

Widgets help and setup. Step Twelve.

Help to add widgets to your Blog.

First go to your, press view blog and then press the design tab at the top right hand side in the blog menu. The new window has the Orange tab that says "New Post". Under this is a list of headings, of which the bottom one is the settings tab.
Go down to the "Earnings" tab and click this. Click the sign up for Ad Sense tab. This is to link Ad sense to your blog directly, as well as the feed link you have made. Income times 2. 
Now click the Layout Tab just under the Earnings tab and we will start to give your block some appeal.

Widgets, here I will help you setup the one's that you must have.
(Remember you can move them around like you feel, it is safe to play around now with your blog. Just stay away from settings.I will give you codes to highlight and paste to the widgets, but you must change them later, with your codes, as you discover them.)
  • We are going to work with the left and right short strips, that's on either side of were your blog posting is going to be.
  • on the right side there is small rectangles with the words add a gadget, just above were it says "Blog Archive" click that one now.
  • In the pop up there are 5 headings. We going to start with the "Basic"
  • Scroll down on the pictures till you see the green dollar sign with the word Ad Sense and click this picture. In the Pop up the first thing you notice is the size (120x600) click on this and change to ( 160x 600) and click the bottom orange save tab. Wait for it load and it will the appear were you clicked add gadget. Do another one on that side by click add gadet again.
  • Then you Add Gadget to the opposite side by click add gadget here and save.
  • Adsense require 3 allocated advert spaces, which you just gave them. Do not add more than three of these. They will flicker and move around your blog, leaving open spaces.
  • Next click the orange tab "save arrangement" top right.
  • There are many Gadget/ Widgets you can add and you can play with them, adding and removing as you like. 
  • ( Need specific help with something, post comment and I help you)
  • Next we going to change your text size and margins.
  • Under the layout tab click the template tab.
  • In the middel to the left there is a orange tab that says"Customize" Click this tab and wait till finished loading.
  • On the top left there are some more headings. Click the "Adjust widths"
  • Set the top width to 1100px and the left one to 200px, the right one to 200px. This you can change later as you wish. Remember to click the apply to blog orange tab. Your blog should look like this now. click here.

Happy postings, Play around with your blog, to get to now how the gadgets work. (Ask If You Need Help)
Next post will be on mu secret SEO generator. Don't apply this,till your blog is at least 1-2 weeks old after your first posting.  

Feed Burner. Monetize. Step Eleven.

Monetize your Blog and Feed.

Firstly, if you had a peek at your blog, you still won't be happy now. It looks un organised, we are almost by the layout stage, where your blog will take form in one simple post. Hold on, we are almost there. 
Setting up a Blog is easy and quick, so they say. At this point of your Blog building, you have saved months and months of frustration and you have not even begin posting. You would have been posting and blogging away and months from now you would realize, something is wrong and you would begin to identify where your mistakes was made and after another couple of months you will still be searching for fixes to the problem, reading blogs on and search engine results. You will ether give up or start a new blog, just to do the simple mistakes over again. You will finally give up altogether and stop blogging or you going to have to pay several sites to build you a usable blog. You could spend thousands on this and other SEO. At this point, if this blog helped you and you have some to spare, even a $5 ( 1 hamburger's money, which can feed a child for 3-4 days in Africa) please donate by pressing the Donate Button, we thank you kindly.

Click the "Monetize"Tab on the Feed Burner menu and lets start.
  • Click on the "Ad Sense" Google box, You must follow this step to get advertiser to advertise on your blog and for you to earn money. Just sigh up and come back to this blog.
  • After you done this we can move on to the last thing we have to do on Google Feed Burner,trouble shooting, please click that tab in the Feed Burner Menu.
  • After the trouble shooting page opens, we going to check that the ping on your site is working. Click on the first blue link "Pining Feed Burner".
  • In the next page were you have to enter your website address, you must enter it like this ( don't add the www. in, it won't work.
  • Click grey tab under "Ping Feed Burner"
  • ( let me know if you don't get a "successfully pinged" notice top of page in green bar.) Close Feed Burner at this time.
  • That's it. Now we going to do the finale few tweaks and your of to be a happy blogger.
 Continue on to next post, step twelve.

Feed Burner. Optimize and Publicize. Step Ten.

Optimize and Publicize your feed.

On this page there is two main groups down the left side with blue link. ( Views and Services) Under the heading "Views" we got 2 links "your feed and XML source) Leave this unchanged.
Next is Service, we start from the first top blue link and work down.( I am not going to give explanations on the different links,because they give it as click the feed burner links.
  • Click "Browser Friendly" and then to your right the box with a lot of icons appear with ticks next to them. don't unmarke any of them. Go right down to grey tab saying "Save"and click this.
  • Next Click "Smart Feed" and click grey tab to activate.
  • That's it for now on the Optimize page. 
  • Click on main menu that's underlined by a red line, the Publicize tab, now
  • Click "Headline Animator" go to the bottom of page and click grey tab "activate" 
  • On the new page under the long banner with the orange icon in, it says "add to my space"with a choose one option. click and choose Blogger blog and click next.
  • A new pop up will open and you click "add to blogger"
  • Don't worry, now simply find in the grey blocks where it says "Your blog name and HEADLINE ANIMATOR. Left Click on this and hold down left button on your mouse and now move the block all the way down to the left bottom block and release to drop there.This will be left top of the long ATTRIBUTION BAR. then click Orange save tabe top right side. Close that window now.
  • Next is the "Buzz Boost" Here you can play with this later on, if you feel you like to. 
  • Next is "Email Subscription"Click and on the box that opens click "Activate"
  • Scroll down to use as widget and choose "Blogger" click "GO"
  • Click "add widget" and on the layout page that opens, click and hold and move down next to were you move the headline animator at the bottom of page. Click save top right side, orange tab and close this page.
  • Next click "Ping Shot" and activate.
  • Next skip the "Feed Count"You can play with this later, if you like. You can add/ remove widgets as many times as you like. (If you struggle with anything, just post a reply and I will see what I can do, to solve your problem.)
  • Next click "Socialize". If You don't have a Twitter acc, now is the time to register one. Click here to open your Twitter Account. You need these Social mediums to promote your blog. You will understand later when I give you my secret on SEO (search engine optimization).
  • While you busy sigh up for Facebook link click here. just create a basic account. (Always use your real names,there is space for nicknames after you signed up, so your chances is better of getting listed by search engines.)
  • Few more must haves links. Digg, remember just basic stuff now, you can spruce up your acc later
  • delicious link
  • stumble upon
  • If you have these basic 4, your views will go up, by posts to them and building your followers list.
  • Don't forget to go and make your profile interesting for your followers. 
  • On the Feed Burner page click add twitter, give permission to use your info (don't worry, its still secure) and activate at the bottom grey tab, if not yet active.
  • The rest you can play with later.
  • Next post will be on Monetize.
  • Please click my adds on this page.

Google Feed Burner. Analyze. Step Nine.

Google Feed Burner. Analyze.

Firstly go back to your blog settings and "add"your feed burner URL. (How to: on the Feed Burner page right at the top left, click the blue "edit feed details"
It now gives you some info on your feed URL. The third line says "Feeds Address"
Highlight the first part "" Copy carefully and paste in your blog setting under "post your feed redirect" go back to feed burner and copy the second part next to the one you just copied.(BE CAREFUL NOT TO CHANGE ANYTHING IN FEEDBURNER WHILE COPING) Paste this next to were you paste the previous one under "Post your Feed....") now click anywhere outside the box that you just pasted your URL. Now you are live and you can gain followers ect.
Don't worry,I will give you a secret easy way of getting +1 hits, tweets, even views for free, don't miss this. Basically your blog is now safe to start blogging, but lets make it look better first, after we done the Feed Burner settings.

Click the Analyze Tab on the Feed Burner Page.( Don't press "save feed details")
just click the Analyze tab, now.

On the Analyze page will be your stats on your blog in future, give it 2-3 days to start updating your stats.
Right know click the "Optimize" tab and continue to next blog. Step Ten.


Settings. Post Feed Redirect URL. Step Eight.

Post Feed Redirect. Google Feed Burner.

The next few post will help you to get your Feed URL for your Blog.
This is a must, because it also posts your new blog posts to your Twitter, Facebook, Digg, extra advertising and most important one, auto updates all your followers with your latest posts.
  •  In settings, click "Other" and then click "blue ? " next to "Post Feed Redirect URL. The pop up opens and then click the blue link "FeedBurner"
  • Feed Burner opens in a new page.
  • Follow the Google Feed Burner Sign up instructions and then Click grey tab "claim your feed"
  • Then on the next page of Feed Burner under red heading "Feed Title", you will see your blog name.( If not enter your blog address in the Bottom space where it says"Burn a Feed Right this instant") and click next.
  • VERY IMPORTANT, Click the second choice with the Rss feed.
  • Then click next on the "Let us burn a feed for you "page.
  • You will get a page that says "Congrats, your FeedBurner feed is now live"
  • Click "next" at left bottom grey tab.
  • Next page "Get More Gusto from your feed traffic"
  • There is three right ticks towards the middle of this page and three blank little boxes, tick the first and last one, then click "Next"tab.
  • Next page will show your Blog Title and that you was successful in updating your feed.
  • Next there is menu bar with a red line under it.( Tabs: Analyze, Optimize, Publicize, Monetize, Troubleshooting)
  • I will discuss each of these tabs in separate Posts, because under each tab is a list of settings.
And as always, please click my adds or donate something to us, thank you.
Please continue to next post.